About Our School » Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

Dear HAS Community,

Welcome to the start of a new school year at Hillside! I am thrilled to welcome all of our students, families, and staff back to school. Whether you are returning to our school community or joining us for the first time, I am excited to begin this journey with you.

This school year promises to be filled with new opportunities, exciting challenges, and valuable learning experiences. Our dedicated teachers and staff have been working hard to prepare for the arrival of our students, and we are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and engaging learning environment for all.

As with any summer, there have been changes in staffing here at Hillside Avenue School. I am pleased to introduce our new staff members: 

Mrs. Avella - Middle School Special Education Teacher

Mr. Gargiulo - Middle School Special Education Teacher

Mr. Ceci - 5th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Varano - 6th Grade ELA

On Fridays, I will continue to send the HAS Weekly Update Smore via email and text. I encourage you to read this every Friday as it contains important school information and updates. All school information that we send out via email will be posted on the website as well (https://has.cranfordschools.org/). Parent involvement is very important at Hillside Avenue School, and I welcome you to be involved in your child’s educational experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 908-709-6229.



Mr. Deacon
